Vocabulary Building

Teacher: Tim Miank

Teacher Tim has a Master’s degree in English and taught in the writing programs at Lansing Community College for over 30 years. He has taught English at Friendship House for several years.


Vocabulary Building – January 13, 20, 27.
In this short three-week class, we will explore vocabulary. We will examine a
variety of expressions used for the same purposes (how many ways can you say
“hot”?), various meanings of individual words (how many different meanings
does “hot” have?), and several common American idioms (what does “in the hot
seat” mean?). You are invited, as well, to bring questions about words and
expressions that you are curious about. It will be educational, and fun!

Vocabulary Building II – April 14, 21, 28
In this class, we will continue our work from the January class, working on more
“purposeful” vocabulary, exploring more words with multiple meanings, and
learning more American idioms. We will also add discussions of informal and
formal language, with many examples. Again, it will be educational, and fun!

Time: Monday 09:30 – 11:00 AM

Jan. 13 – Apr. 28

Time shows in Eastern Time (US and Canada)