Friendship House Community,

Good day and I pray this message finds you well.

We are excited to share that one of our supporting churches, St. Luke Lutheran Church, has extended their diaper ministry to those in need from our Friendship House community here in the Lansing area.

If you are in need of diapers and wipes for your child(ren), please follow the three (3) steps on the attached to make a request and to schedule an appointment for pickup.

Diaper Ministry Flyer 021522

Please also note that Christian Services Lansing (who partners with St. Luke on this program) also provides additional services as outlined on the second page of this flyer so I encourage you to review and follow up with them, as your needs dictate.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns with being able to follow through with this program, and we will go from there.

God’s Blessings to you and your family!

Dan Winter,
Executive Director