Introduction to daily devotions
Teacher: Betsy Seeley
Teacher Betsy has a BS degree in Education with a major in English. In addition to teaching in public schools, she has spent much of her career as a business owner/partner focusing on employee development. After retiring in 2019, she became involved at Friendship House as a Conversation Partner and was invited to be a member of the Friendship House Board of Directors in 2021. Betsy has also been an active Stephen Ministry Leader since 2005 at Martin Luther Chapel in East Lansing.
Jinsook is a native of South Korea and married Nick who is an American attending MSU. She has taught English to Internationals from conversational English to TOEFL for more than 10 years. She likes to read all kinds of English articles out loud with others.
Time: Wednesday at 10:30 AM-Noon
Sep. 14- Nov. 9
Time shows in Eastern Time (US and Canada)